understand physical development. He must be taught to understand the great wonder of his own body and how to take ouro of himself.


in is all a part of growing up and all children ́try it at some tim or other, to ^ ɛrcater or lesser degree and for varying lại t of tim". The mediol and psychological professions, for the most part, fel it is completely normal in children of both sexes and is certainly not to be treated es a distasteful subject.

There are many good books on the subject of the child's body and how it grows that answer the sometimes puzzling questions children may pose to their parents. These include "How To Tell Your Child bout Sex" by James Hymes and "The Wonderful Story of How You ere Porn" by Sydney Gurenberg.

One of the best ways to get at a child's lack of knowledge is to draw them out by questi ons when they questi on you. This way you can find out just what they mena by a certain remark and can correot any false impressions or vague ideas the child may have conceived. Find out where they may have gotten these id'us and impressions so this, too, can be corrected. The idea of education of a child is like packing a suitcase to go on a trip first you discard any old items which you may have packed and repack your suitcase for the journey you are about to take. The sme holds true with child educati on; you not only want to give the child new information but also rid him of all misconceptions which he may h vc. However, you must have a good conception to convey to the child. If you do not feel completely educated it will then be quite hard for you to put over your ideas to the child (in the right way,


The opinion was raised that it would be better if the subject of sex education was taken out of the hands of the parents, many of whom do not feel e uipped for the task, and given over to competent teachers in the school system. There it co ld be presented in a scientific manner to meet the needs of 11 school gcs. Parents seem to grea with this theory but apparently the churches and other civic orgānizations object so greatly that many cities have never tried this



Share your joys and fears. Children have a a high set of ideal: espedilly here their parents are concerned. But let your child know that you have fars, let him know when you rejoice, let him know what you think about different things and ideas.